WHATSNEW.TXT for WinMorph 2.0 (features added to v2.01 from v2.0) 1. You can now import AVI and Individual image files into the compositions you create using the Composer, and apply the motion & transparency effects on them also! 2. Context menu for composer elements (right-click). 3. Create a new warp by just choosing File>Open and choosing the image file you want. 4. Open the AVI and Image file elements in the Composer by just double-clicking on them or choosing Open>Morph 5. Improved Help. Help is now in HTML format, and is shown by the HtmlHelp viewer which comes with Windows. Please inform me if you dont have the viewer and you are getting error messages while viewing the help file (the help file is "winmorph.chm"). If you are unable to view the help file, just unzipping the file "wmrfhlp.zip" into any folder and view the file "index.htm". 6. Removed a couple of bugs in the Composer User interface, and also made it look clean and good.